Today marks the beginning of an exciting journey. Today I officially become the Executive Director of an organization I have served and loved (not necessarily in that order) for more than 20 years- The Maryland Tourism Coalition. As a brand new Destination Marketing Official (DMO) I attended their annual conference in 1994 wide-eyed and fresh out of College. There I not only met some of the greatest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with, but I learned that my job in Dorchester County was a small but integral piece of a large and powerful industry. The Tourism industry was making a difference in the every day lives of people in that Chesapeake town, but also making a difference in a state, national and global economy. Back then, MTC stood for Maryland Tourism Council. Now the C is for Coalition which is defined as a group of people, groups, or countries who have joined together for a common purpose I could not be prouder to lead this coalition and grow the organization to its fullest potential. In the coming weeks I will be rolling out several new and exciting ways to get involved with MTC. So who is with me?